Rear-End Motor Vehicle (Dump-Truck) Accident resolved favorably to the client for $160,000.00.


Rear-End Motor Vehicle (Dump-Truck) Accident

Attorney Perrault’s client, operating a dump truck, was rear ended by a limousine. Although the dump truck sustained little damage, the client began to experience memory loss and headaches immediately after the accident. Through the use of a neurophysiologist, Attorney Perrault was able to document that the client had sustained a traumatic brain injury. Although this closed head injury was not visible to the naked eye, the client’s change in personality, loss of memory, and headaches all assisted in the diagnosis. The initial offer on the case was $25,000.00. After substantial litigation, and immediately prior to jury empanelment, the matter was resolved favorably to the client for $160,000.00.
