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A bridge the at-fault party? Crashes rise, so bridge gets altered


When accidents take place on the highway, they normally involve one or two vehicles with drivers who have made a mistake. Sometimes, single-vehicle accidents are the problem, though. Can someone be to blame for a single-vehicle accident other than the driver? They could be. For instance, if there is a low bridge and the clearance level is incorrectly marked, that could lead to a truck getting stuck or hitting the bridge.

If you’re in a crash due to a poorly marked bridge or because an area is too small for vehicles to pass through, it’s important to know if the city or state will be held accountable for your car’s damage and your injuries. That’s part of the debate over a bridge that has caused several accidents in Massachusetts; while many crashes are the result of poor driving, some are the result of a poor structure.

The East Street Bridge has been causing issues in Massachusetts, which is why it’s now going to be redesigned. According to the news, the bridge does have its identification listed, so drivers know the height. However, that hasn’t stopped the six accidents that took place so far this year. While the drivers in these situations were cited for failing to obey traffic signs, it’s the low height of the bridge that has caused serious issues. On top of that, under the bridge there are only two very narrow lanes, which can force vehicles to collide as they pass one another.

The news reports that many crashes at the site are caused because of the curb or side of the bridge. If a car’s wheel hits the curb while trying to pass on the narrow street, it can cause it to move into the other lane and cause an accident. Because the bridge hasn’t been altered to deal with the heavier flow of traffic and larger vehicles, it’s now being redesigned to help prevent accidents.

Source:, “Accidents at East Street Bridge continue as MBTA announces repairs,” Max Bowen, Aug. 26, 2015

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