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Crash results in 1 pedestrian death in Massachusetts


Drivers need to be aware of the people crossing the road in crosswalks and other locations. When pedestrians are crossing in a marked crosswalk, drivers should be slowing and stopping for them, even if the pedestrians don’t have the right of way at the time. Being more cautious on the roads can prevent injuries, which is why drivers are held to high standards when it comes to slowing down.

Speeding may have been a cause of a recent accident that led to a person’s death. Being unable to stop in time for someone crossing a road can mean that a driver was negligent, which is something your attorney can use to help you obtain compensation. In this case, the accident was fatal, and it may be up to the man’s family to make a claim.

The fatal pedestrian accident that took place on Revere Beach Boulevard has resulted in an investigation by the Massachusetts State Police. According to the news, an 86-year-old man was fatally wounded in an accident that happened at around 10 a.m., on Oct. 24 when a Honda Civic collided with him.

During the crash, the 21-year-old man driving the vehicle had to make a hard brake to stop his vehicle. The 86-year-old man had been walking in a marked crosswalk and toward a beach before he was struck, drawing questions on whether charges are warranted against the driver for his actions.

Once police arrived on the scene, they took evidence and seized the driver’s vehicle for examination. Forensics and other evidence may be able to show if the driver was negligent at the time of the crash.

Source:, “Massachusetts State Police investigating fatal pedestrian accident on Revere Beach Boulevard,” Conor Berry, Oct. 28, 2015

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