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You deserve compensation when you’re the victim of a car accident


Driving down the highway or on busy city streets, you don’t expect to get in an accident. You’re probably focusing on where you want to go or what you want to do. Accidents do happen, though, and when they do, you have every right to make a claim for your injuries.

As the driver of a smaller passenger vehicle, being in a car accident with a large truck may be something you worry about. In 2014, large trucks were involved in collisions that led to 3,903 people being killed and another 111,000 being injured. Around 438,000 large trucks were involved in these traffic collisions, which draws attention to how dangerous these commercial vehicles can be to other motorists.

The number of people dying in these collisions decreased by 2 percent between 2013 and 2014, but the number of injuries rose by around 17 percent. Most shocking is the fact that 73 percent of the people killed in these crashes were occupants of other vehicles, which just indicates how serious accidents can be when vehicles are mismatched by weight, size and design.

Maybe surprisingly, many of the crashes took place in non-interstate locations in rural communities. Around 71 percent of the crashes that took place on weekdays took place between 6 a.m. and 5:59 p.m., which is perhaps surprising to some. While many people believe the crashes are more likely at night when it’s harder to see or when people may have been drinking, the crashes are actually more likely when traffic is heavier during daylight hours.

If you’re involved in a crash with a large truck, you’re not alone. You can find out more about these accidents on our website.

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