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Massachusetts family reaches settlement in boy’s escalator death


Young children love to explore the world around them. Seeing new things automatically makes them want to go check those new things out. Children who visit stores that have escalators are usually drawn to the moving stairs. For one 4-year-old Massachusetts boy, getting on the escalator on the second floor of the Auburn Mall ultimately led to his death in March of 2011.

The little boy fell approximately 18 feet from the escalator. He landed on a display case. He died the following day from head injuries caused by the accident. The boy’s death led to an increased focus on escalator safety in Massachusetts.

The young boy’s parents have recently reached a settlement in a negligence lawsuit stemming from the boy’s death, but the terms of the settlement are confidential. In the lawsuit, the boy’s parents alleged that the mall owners, the contractor who installed the escalator and the manufacturer of the escalator were negligent. They claim the “dangerous and defective” condition of the escalator caused the accident.

This young boy’s death is what led to a crackdown on the safety of escalators in the state. It also reinforced the importance of proper maintenance and upkeep on equipment like the escalator that could potentially cause harm or death to people who use it.

Anyone who has lost a loved one in an accident caused by a negligent property owner or any safety hazard on a property might have the right to seek compensation for their losses. The same might be true for anyone who was injured by the negligent actions of a property owner. Seeking information about the compensation process from a personal injury attorney can help someone determine if that is course of action they wish to pursue.

Source:, “Settlement reached in Mass. boy’s escalator death” No author given, Apr. 01, 2014


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