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Massachusetts woman implicates herself via text message


A Massachusetts woman sent an incriminating text to a friend shortly before crashing her vehicle into another car, injuring two people. The woman sent a text to her friend about how drunk she was shortly before getting into her car to drive home.

At approximately 3:30 a.m. she was traveling along a winding road in Attleboro. Another car was driving in the opposite direction. According to the two occupants of the other car, she was driving on the wrong side of the road. The driver tried to signal the woman by flashing her high beams. The woman allegedly drove straight into the other vehicle. According to police, the woman’s blood-alcohol level was double the legal limit. The vehicle that the woman hit was totaled in the car accident, and both occupants suffered fractured arms. The woman has pleaded not guilty to charges of driving to endanger and driving under the influence.

The two people who were injured in this accident might be entitled to damages. A financial settlement could be used to pay for their medical care and replace the totaled car. If the pair miss work as a result of their injuries, a settlement might help to replace their lost wages. It is important to note that a lawsuit can be filed in civil court regardless of the verdict in criminal court.

An experienced personal injury attorney may be able to look at the accident case and make a recommendation to the two people who were injured. If they decided to file a lawsuit, an attorney might prepare and file the lawsuit on their behalf. An attorney might be able to help them prepare for court and may provide representation for them during the trial as well.

Source: NY Daily News, “Massachusetts woman sends ‘I’m drunk’ text before injuring two in accident Read more:“, Carol Kuruvilla, June 04, 2013


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