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Attorney Steven Blair Honored for Dedication to Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts


Attorney Steven Blair of Perrault Blair Law Group receives citation from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts.

On Saturday, September 9th, Attorney Steven Blair of Perrault Blair Law Group was recognized and awarded a citation from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for his outstanding volunteer work with Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts. Blair has been making a significant impact by working directly with Literacy Volunteers of Methuen, a chapter of Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts. His dedication to helping adults improve their conversational English language skills is truly commendable.

Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts is an organization dedicated to empowering individuals with limited English proficiency to enhance their literacy skills. With a network of dedicated volunteers, they provide crucial support to adults who are eager to improve their English language skills. This organization plays a vital role in helping people integrate into their communities, find employment opportunities, and achieve a better quality of life.

Attorney Steven Blair has been a beacon of hope for many adults in Methuen, Massachusetts, who are striving to enhance their conversational English language skills. Every Friday, he dedicates his time to work with a group of 10-20 students who are eager to improve their ability to communicate in English. These conversation groups are held at the Nevins Library, providing a welcoming and inclusive space for learners to practice and grow.

Attorney Steven Blair‘s commitment to the cause of Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts did not go unnoticed. On a special day at Nevins Library, located at 305 Broadway, Methuen, MA, Steven Blair was presented with a citation in honor of his dedicated service. The recognition ceremony was a heartwarming event attended by fellow volunteers, learners, and community members.

The citation was presented to Attorney Steven Blair by Grace Spaulding, the Literacy Coordinator of Literacy Volunteers of Methuen. Her heartfelt words and the gratitude of the learners in attendance was a testament to the positive impact Attorney Blair has had on their lives.