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Truck driver crushed vehicle to hide evidence of hit and run


If you’re hit by a negligent driver or lose a loved one who is involved in an accident, your life can be forever changed. Even though you can work with your attorney to obtain compensation, that compensation can’t ever bring back the person who passed away. While compensation won’t replace someone who has passed, it can go a long way toward making your future more bearable and covering the costs associated with the death.

Before you can take a driver to court, you’ll need to know who it was who caused the accident that killed your loved one. That’s the problem with hit-and-run crashes; it may not be easy to find the person at fault. In a Jan. 9 report, the news stated that a suspect has been discovered in a hit-and-run case that ended with one man passing away at the scene.

At the time of the accident, police were told that a 1996 Chevrolet pick-up truck in light blue had fled the scene. The truck had hit and killed a 59-year-old man who was in a crosswalk at the time.

Police did discover that the truck was from the next town over, but they didn’t find it in good condition. According to the story, the truck had been crushed purposefully by the accused driver, and then it was concealed in the man’s back yard.

The man has not yet been arrested for the hit-and-run collision, but he will be charged, police reported. When he’s charged, police believe he will face motor vehicle homicide for the death of the pedestrian.

Source: WWLP, “Suspect identified, truck recovered in deadly hit and run,” Ashley Afonso, Jan. 08, 2016

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