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Woman admits to DUI after causing hit and run accident


A Massachusetts woman admits to being under the influence when she allegedly hit a vehicle and fled the scene. It is unknown if anyone was injured as a result of the car accident.

According to the report, police conducted a traffic stop on the woman after being notified of an erratic driver that had been involved with a hit and run. When officers stopped her vehicle, they could allegedly smell alcohol coming from the car. The woman initially denied drinking and claimed that she had hit a utility pole and not another vehicle.

During a vehicle search, however, officers found two empty bottles of alcohol in the woman’s purse. She then admitted to drinking while sitting in her car. The officers administered a breathalyzer and several field sobriety tests. The breathalyzer test revealed that she had a blood-alcohol level of .14, well above the legal limit. She was taken into custody and released at a later date. Police have not yet filed charges against her but expect that she may be charged for leaving the scene of an accident.

Those who are involved in car accidents due to drunk or distracted drivers may be seriously injured or even killed. In order to hold the intoxicated driver responsible and to receive compensation, the prosecution will need to prove that the actions of the other driver caused the accident. An experienced Massachusetts personal injury attorney may be able to help by investigating all of the evidence available, including police reports, medical records, photos and witness testimony. The attorney may also be able to use testimony from an expert witness to explain the severity of the victim’s injures, damage to their vehicle and their loss.

Source: Wicked Local Dover, “Coen charged with drunk driving after Sherborn crash “, Normal Miller, June 24, 2013


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