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Workplaces: Avoid slips, trips and falls with these tips


Preventing workplace slips and falls is important. Even a simple trip can lead to someone falling and hitting their head or twisting an ankle. Broken bones, bruising, dislocations and other conditions can all result from falling, tripping or slipping.

It’s normal to trip or slip from time to time; most people have moments where they aren’t paying attention or don’t realize an area is hazardous. Unfortunately, slipping on a staircase, falling on ice or onto sharp objects can all make that mistake very serious. It’s the responsibility of workers and their employers to keep the workplace safe. Hazardous areas should be marked, and workers shouldn’t push, shove or otherwise impact one another to cause injuries.

The U.S. Department of Labor states that falls, slips and trips are the main cause of industrial accidents. These accidents result in around 25 percent of all injury claims reported each fiscal year and approximately 65 percent of the work days that are lost due to injuries each year.

What are some ways businesses can keep workers safer? Good housekeeping practices should be a main priority. Make sure spills are cleaned up, safety programs are taught and that good clean-up programs are established. Reducing the danger of wet and slick areas will help. Using proper lighting, which can help workers see potential hazards, is also necessary.

Workers should wear the right kinds of shoes to work; non-slip soles can help prevent falls. Most of all, employee behaviors should be addressed. Employees shouldn’t hurry or rush, shouldn’t have obstructed vision while walking, and should always use designated walkways.

Failing to take the necessary precautions opens businesses up to liability for accidents and injuries that occur on their premises.

Source:, “6 guidelines to prevent workplace slips, trips and falls,” W.W. Grainger, accessed Oct. 15, 2015

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