Estamos disponibles las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para ayudarle con sus necesidades de lesiones personales. (978) 975-4100
El Perrault Blair Law Group es un equipo experto de abogados dedicados a aportar sus conocimientos jurídicos empinada y experiencia a cada caso que toman. Al ofrecer una representación legal completa, confiable y dedicada tanto en inglés como en español, hemos luchado con éxito y obtenido resultados favorables para nuestros clientes, permitiéndoles seguir adelante después de las dificultades. Ya sea que necesite abogados bilingües de lesiones personales o abogados de accidentes automovilísticos, nuestro equipo está aquí para usted. Desde el momento en que pone un pie en nuestro bufete, escuchamos su historia y creamos un plan de acción para resolver su difícil situación. Nuestros abogados locales de lesiones personales con sede en Methuen, MA están aquí para nuestra comunidad, ayudándole a obtener los medios necesarios para sanar y seguir adelante en paz.
Si le inspira nuestro compromiso con la excelencia y nuestra pasión por defender a nuestros clientes, considere unirse al equipo de Perrault Blair Law Group. Explore nuestras vacantes actuales en Indeed y emprenda una carrera gratificante en la que podrá marcar una verdadera diferencia en la vida de las personas a las que servimos.
El abogado Perrault nació y creció en Lawrence, Massachusetts. Ha sido residente de Methuen, Massachusetts desde 1986. Se graduó de la Escuela Secundaria de Lawrence con altos honores. Obtuvo una Licenciatura en Estudios Americanos de la Universidad de Massachusetts Lowell, Magna Cum Laude. Posteriormente, el abogado Perrault obtuvo su Doctorado en Jurisprudencia...
Abogado Steven Blair proporciona asesoramiento y representación a los clientes en lo que respecta a los accidentes automovilísticos, mordeduras de perro, homicidio culposo, indemnización de los trabajadores, y los casos de resbalones y caídas.Steven Blair tiene una amplia experiencia en el manejo de todo tipo de demandas por lesiones personales. Antes de asistir a la escuela de leyes, Steven Blair trabajó en la industria de reclamos de seguros en varios niveles por más de once años....
El Sr. Andrade ha manejado con éxito una multitud de casos en el juicio y los niveles de apelación en Massachusetts en una amplia variedad de áreas, incluyendo lesiones personales - negligencia, negligencia médica, responsabilidad por productos defectuosos, lesiones en obras de construcción, accidentes de vehículos de motor, los conflictos entre propietarios e inquilinos, y la responsabilidad de los locales.
Los abogados de nuestro bufete le proporcionarán servicios jurídicos bien informados, directos y adaptados a sus objetivos inmediatos y a largo plazo. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para saber cómo podemos ayudarle.
Sylvia is a highly skilled and dedicated bilingual Paralegal with over 30 years of experience in the legal field. She has an associate degree in paralegal studies and is a Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Sylvia grew up in Lawrence and started her legal career as a receptionist in a busy general practice law office in the downtown Lawrence area. She quickly transitioned into a Paralegal position which focused on personal injury cases. Sylvia joined Perrault Blair Law Group in September 2015 and assists the attorneys on a variety of personal injury cases, including complex injury cases, premises liability, workers’ compensation and litigation matters.
Carmen has nearly 40 years of experience in the legal field, starting as a clerk at just 16. Over the years, she has developed a passion for providing meaningful support to clients, going beyond routine tasks to help them navigate their cases with care and dedication. As a Paralegal, she ensures clients receive the assistance they need, from making appointments to gathering critical information. In her free time, she enjoys sewing without patterns, spending cozy evenings with her Maltese-Yorkshire Terrier mix, taking walks in good weather, reading, solving math and word puzzles, and relaxing with paint-by-numbers on her phone.
Nancy holds a bachelor’s degree in business management from Bentley University and has been a dedicated Paralegal with Perrault Blair Law Group since 2005. Before joining the firm, she spent 18.5 years as a claims adjuster at Allstate. In her spare time, Nancy loves traveling – Italy and Aruba are top favorites – and cherishes playing with her grandsons.
Rahat Mama brings 14 years of legal expertise to her role as a Paralegal at Perrault Blair Law Group, where she draws on her background in paralegal studies from Boston University. Outside of the office, Rahat shares her passion for art by teaching watercolor classes at the Essex Art Center in Lawrence.
Brooke earned a bachelor’s degree in legal studies and languages from UMass Lowell, excelling in Spanish and Italian. She also pursued studies at the Massachusetts School of Law. As a Paralegal, she works closely with Attorney Perrault, bringing dedication and expertise to her role. Outside of work, she spends most of her time with her kids, often driving them to their activities.
Janeet is a Massachusetts native with a bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies from Suffolk University. A skilled Paralegal specializing in personal injury law since 1993, she is also fluent in Spanish. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, listening to music, traveling, watching romantic comedies and action movies, shopping, and spending quality time with her children and grandchildren.
Gloria O’Neal is a skilled Paralegal with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, specializing in finance, from Northeastern University. Outside the office, Gloria enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters. Together, they love traveling and exploring new destinations, always on the lookout for exciting adventures and memorable experiences.
Beth has been a valued member of Perrault Blair Law Group since 1990, contributing her expertise as Office Manager and handling a wide range of responsibilties, including vendor management and bookkeeping. Outside of work, she enjoys gardening.
Marlin has been with Perrault Blair Law Group since 2023, starting her first role in the legal field. She manages the front desk with enthusiasm and efficiency while pursuing a nursing degree at Northern Essex Community College. A talented photographer, she specializes in capturing special moments for babies and kids. She also enjoys crafting and decorating for events, bringing creativity to everything she does.
Karen Blair is a Human Resources Consultant having joined the firm in 2023. Karen has over 27 years of experience in the HR field and holds an HRCI, PHR national certification. Karen resides in southern New Hampshire with her husband and daughter. In her spare time, she likes to travel, attend concerts with friends, and enjoy the beach and mountain areas of New England.
Cathy joined Perrault Blair Law Group in December 1996, starting as a part-time file clerk before transitioning to a full-time receptionist role. She now oversees Medical Records acquisition, bringing years of experience and dedication to the team.